Latteccino Welcomes You!
We feel very strongly about our coffee
Back in the day, when our up-and-coming coffee shop was just making first rounds among numerous coffee junkies in the local area, a concept of our operations has been developed. From the very start we wanted to be friendly and awesome in as many ways as possible.
Meet our Team
Latteccino is a family owned coffeeshop, which treasures the atmosphere just as much as the coffee selection. We’ve assembled a strong team of professionals, all of whom aspire to constantly excel and step it up!
People Love Our Coffee!
Every single person who’ve ever tasted our coffees has something super nice to say about it!
Apply for a Job with Us!
Each year we’ve got a lot of miscellaneous job offerings. See which ones are right for you!
Our Standards
Hazelnut; Caramel; Creamy; Cocoa; Peach; Orange; Lemon; Cinnamon; Pumpkin…
American Comfort
Despite being a European restaurant, visiting our place feels just as casual as any traditional American restaurant would feel…
Cappuccino Centered
The cappuccino is probably the single most popular coffee drink in the entire history of the world!